Glowy Gradient Abstract Brush Stroke Blob

by Gundega Strautmane

Vibrant Blocky 3D Shape Gradient Cone

For sale Exibited in

Art Riga Fair

Libera Nos a Malo

900 Eur

45cm x 45 cm

Vibrant Blocky 3D Shape Gradient Cone


Mater Dei Ora pro Nobis

45cm x 45cm x 3 cm

Vibrant Blocky 3D Shape Gradient Cone

For sale Exibited in

Art Riga Fair

Mater Dei ora pro Nobis

45cm x 45cm x 3 cm

900. EUR

Vibrant Blocky 3D Shape Gradient Cone

Sold in

Art Riga Fair

Dona Nobis Pacem

Vibrant Blocky 3D Shape Gradient Cone

For sale Exibited in

Art Riga Fair

Mater dei ora Pro Nobis

45cm x 45cm x 3 cm

550. EUR

Vibrant Blocky 3D Shape Gradient Cone

For sale

Mater dei ora Pro Nobis

45cm x 45cm x 3 cm

550. EUR

For sale

Mater dei ora Pro Nobis

45cm x 45cm x 3 cm

550. EUR


Vibrant Blocky 3D Shape Gradient Cone
Vibrant Blocky 3D Shape Gradient Cone

For sale

Libera nos a Malo

45cm x 45cm x 3 cm

550. EUR

For sale

Ubi Cariatas et Amor, Deus ibi Est

45cm x 45cm x 3 cm

550. EUR

For sale Exibited in

Art Riga Fair

Mater dei ora Pro Nobis

45cm x 45cm x 3 cm

990. EUR

Vibrant Blocky 3D Shape Gradient Cone

For sale

Mater Misericordiae

45cm x 45cm x 3 cm

800. EUR

For sale Exibited in

Art Riga Fair

Dona Nobis Pacem

45cm x 45cm x 3 cm

900. EUR


Vibrant Blocky 3D Shape Gradient Cone



Vibrant Blocky 3D Shape Gradient Cone


Vibrant Blocky 3D Shape Gradient Cone


Vibrant Blocky 3D Shape Gradient Cone


Vibrant Blocky 3D Shape Gradient Cone


Gundegas Strautmanes darbu izstāde “Punkts...līnija” bija savdabīgs un ievērības cienīgs notikums Latvijas mākslas dzīvē, jo tā bija viena no retajām reizēm, kad kultūras sabiedrībai tika piedāvāta semantiski piesātināta māksla, kas ne tikai saturiski, bet vairāk pat ar tapšanas motīviem un savu fizisko eksistenci izgaismo noteiktus problēmjautājumus, kuri vēsturiski bijuši un vēl joprojām ir aktuāli lokālajā kultūras diskursā, – piemēram, par dizaina, amatniecības, vizuālās un konceptuālās mākslas kategorijām un to robežām, par mākslas uztveres fenomenoloģiju.

Latvijā tekstila jomā dažādu iemeslu dēļ dominē vēsturiski orientēta mākslinieciskā izglītība. Arī Gundega Strautmane savulaik ir sēdējusi stellēs un darinājusi gobelēnus. Taču paralēli viņa arī meklējusi ceļus, kā komunicēt tekstila būtību saviem vienaudžiem – cilvēkiem, kuru sapratne viņai tolaik bija būtiska, bet kuriem bijis grūti iedziļināties gobelēna finesēs. Darbi, kas bija redzami izstādē, ir alternatīvas meklējumu rezultāts. Tās ir vairāk nekā desmit autortehnikā darinātas šķietami dekoratīvas vienības: uz neliela formāta papīra noteiktā simetriskā sistēmā izvietotas pērlītes, starp kurām izvīts smalks pavediens, iezīmējot ornamentālos ritmus. Darba radīšanā izmantota šķiedra, un tehnika ir līdzīga knipelēšanai, tādējādi iekļaujot mākslinieces veikumu tekstila amatnieciskajā tradīcijā. Šādu pieeju leģitimē arī apstāklis, ka būtiska loma Gundegas Strautmanes daiļradē ir ornamentam, lai gan tā parādīšanās savulaik bijusi paradoksāla. Proti, viņa savu profesionālo nākotni redz tekstildizainā – laikmetīgā, eksperimentālā un rūpnieciskā.


Gundega Strautmane’s textile art exhibitions are original and noteworthy events in Latvian art life, as it usually is one of the rare occasions when the cultural community is presented with an opportunity to enjoy semantically rich art, which not only in its content but largely even in the motivation of its creation and its physical existence highlights certain issues that have historically been and still are relevant in the local cultural discourse – for example, matters concerning the categories and boundaries of design, crafts, visual and conceptual art and the phenomenology of art perception.

For a number of reasons, education in textile art in Latvia is dominated by a historical tendency. Gundega Strautmane also has been through the process of sitting at the loom and weaving tapestries. At the same time, however, she has sought ways of communicating the spirit of textile art to her contemporaries – people whose understanding was important to her at the time, but who had found it difficult to appreciate the finer points of tapestry. The works shown at the exhibitions are the result of this search for an alternative. These are seemingly decorative units made in the artist’s own technique: little beads arranged on a modestly sized piece of paper in a definite symmetrical system, with a fine thread woven in between them to outline the ornamental rhythms. Fibre is used in the creation of the work, and the technique resembles bobbin lacemaking, which places the artist’s creations within the artisan crafts tradition of textile art. This approach is also validated by the fact that ornamental pattern plays an important role in Strautmane’s art, even though its presence in her work is itself a paradoxical event. That is, she sees her professional future in textile design – contemporary, experimental and industrial.

Vibrant Blocky 3D Shape Gradient Cone
Vibrant Blocky 3D Shape Gradient Cone
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